If Your Introverted Child Is Struggling With Remote Learning, Take This First Step

2020-10-01 25

Just because remote learning is widely in use across the US, that doesn't mean it's easy for children--or their parents.
HuffPost reports introverted students face even more challenges with remote learning besides nabbing a strong wifi signal.
If you find your child is holding back in class--or avoiding classes altogether--experts say it's best to start by gently asking them what's going on.
Perhaps they're worried about what their peers think of the home, or by how they look on camera, or that they can't get to grips with the software.
Remind them that backgrounds can be tidied, hair can be cut, seating and lighting can be improved, and software tutorials can be worked through.
Whatever the problem, work to reassure the child that such feelings are normal and that there are solutions to every problem.