Full version The Economics and Politics of Wealth Redistribution Review

2020-09-30 0

The role of the democratic state in the redistribution of wealth is the topic of this readable and lively examination of an often controversial issue. Using public choice and rent-seeking analysis as a basis, Tullock discusses the role of the democratic state in the redistribution of wealth. He adds a refreshing dose of realism to a field of economics that is often dominated by idealistic visions.Charles K. Rowley is Duncan Black Professor of Economics at George Mason University and a Senior Fellow of the James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy at George Mason University. He is also General Director of the Locke Institute.The entire series includes:Volume 1: Virginia Political Economy Volume 2: The Calculus of Consent Volume 3: The Organization of Inquiry (November 2004) Volume 4: The Economics of Politics (February 2005) Volume 5: The Rent-Seeking Society (March 2005) Volume 6: Bureaucracy (June 2005)Volume 7: The Economics and Politics of Wealth Redistribution (July 2005)Volume 8: The Social Dilemma: Of Autocracy, Revolution, Coup d'Etat, and War (December 2005)Volume 9: Law and Economics (December 2005)Volume 10: Economics without Frontiers (January 2006)