Juan Domingo Peron assumes his third presidency 1973

2020-09-30 6

Bs. As .: Juan Domingo Peron assumes as President of the Nation. Close-ups of the facade of the National Congress, and of many people gathered in the vicinity of the building. General views of numerous members of the Federal Police guarding the area. General views of the ceremony where General Peron takes office in the Chamber of Deputies. Close-ups of Francisco Manrique, Héctor José Campora and Vicente Solano Lima following the ceremony in the venue. Close-ups of an Army helicopter landing on the terrace of the Government House. General views of the ceremony where General Peron assumes the Casa Rosada. Close-ups of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Raúl Lastiri, placing the presidential sash on General Perón. General views of a group of men beating the bass drum in the Plaza de Mayo, as well as the massive crowd of people carrying national flags. General views of President Peron delivering a speech from the balcony of the Casa Rosada and where he expresses: "In the lives of men, in which one feels very deserved to the providence of contemplating the throne that carries it so deep". Close-ups of a group of supporters carrying a giant "Montoneros" banner in the Plaza de Mayo. (Ambient sound)
Date: 10/12/1973
Duration: 2 minutes 46 seconds
Film Code: B-02745

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