Donald Trump to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to supreme court reports say

2020-09-26 71

Donald Trump is planning to name Amy Coney Barrett as his pick to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the supreme court on Saturday, according to multiple reports. Ginsburg died last Friday of pancreatic cancer at the age of 87. The president has trailed a Saturday afternoon announcement of his third pick for the court, a choice that with Republican support in the Senate would tilt the nine-member panel 6-3 to the right. The New York Times, the Associated Press and CBS were among outlets on Friday citing anonymous sources in the administration and Congressional Republicans as saying the choice had been made, although CNN added a caveat.“All sources cautioned that until it is announced by the president, there is always the possibility that Trump makes a last-minute change,” the network said. Trump told reporters Friday evening that he has made his decision, but said he would be withholding the news until the official announcement. He said it “could be anyone of them” and that “they’re all outstanding”, referring to five women he has been considering. Asked explicitly about Barrett, he said, “I haven’t said it is her.”Coney Barrett sits on the US circuit court of appeals in Chicago. She served as a law clerk to supreme court justice Antonin Scalia, worked briefly as a private lawyer in DC and became a University of Notre Dame law school professor in 2002. Coney Barrett, 48, is a strict conservative whose positions on immigration, health care and LGBTQ rights worry Democrats. Progressive groups are particularly concerned she’ll vote to approve additional restrictions on abortion access. Democrats also charge that no new justice should be confirmed so close to a presidential election given that Republicans refused to grant Barack Obama’s supreme court nominee Merrick Garland a hearing in early 2016. Public polling, including a new survey by the Washington Post and ABC News on Friday, has shown the public agrees, with consistent majority support for Ginsburg’s replacement being decided after 3 November.