Thai Mango Salad 泰式芒果沙拉
Details 详细介绍
There are lots of Thai Mango Salad (Som Tum) recipes available in the web. Seems mine is a simplify version of it. Yet its' still a wonderful dinner starter to try. A hint of spiciness, sourness, sweetness and crunchiness will definitely whet your appetite!
泰式芒果沙拉 (Som Tum) 是一款泰国最具代表性的轻食,也是国外的泰国餐厅里必有的前菜。酸酸辣辣的芒果沙拉非常的开胃。加入虾米和脆口的炸江鱼仔,味道和口感都非常棒哦!拿来当小点或餐前开胃菜皆可。
Yields: 4 Servings 分量:四人份
Difficulty: Easy 难度:简单
Prep Time: 30minutes 备料时间:三十分钟
Cook Time: 30minutes 烹调时间:三十分钟
Total Time: 60minutes 共计时间:六十分钟
Ingredients 食材用料
800g green mango 青芒果
180g red onion 红葱头
45g dried anchovies 干江鱼仔
20g dried shrimps 干虾米
25g red chilli pepper 红辣椒
2-5g Thai pepper 小辣椒
3tbsp plum sauce 酸梅酱
1tbsp fish sauce 鱼露
50ml water 水
Instructions 步骤
Skin mango. Cut out two 'cheek' and cut into thin slices.
Cut onion in half from 'pole' to 'pole'. Cut each half into thin julienned slices.
Rinse twice both dried anchovies and dried shrimps. Dry anchovies in oven for 15 minutes at 100℃. Finely chop dried shrimp. Fry both ingredients until crispy brown.
Half red chilli pepper horizontally and scrape out seeds. Cut into thin strips. Finely chop Thai pepper. Add peppers to fish sauce. Add 50 ml water to plum sauce.
Prepare a ceramic pot, a masher and a spatula.
Add mango, onion, chilli, and sauces to the pot.
Mix well while given a nice press.
Garnish with fried shrimps and anchovies. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes 笔记
Taste green mango you brought to determine sourness. Add sugar or lemon juice at the end to your desire taste if necessary.
Excerpt 简介
Thai Mango Salad (Som Tum) is a wonderful dinner starter. A hint of spiciness, sourness, sweetness and crunchiness will definitely whet your appetite!
泰式芒果沙拉 (Som Tum) 是泰国餐厅里必有的前菜。酸酸辣辣的芒果沙拉非常的开胃。
Recipe Categories 食谱分类
Appetiser 开胃菜
Recipe Cuisines 食谱料理
Asian 亚洲
Recipe Cooking Methods 食谱烹饪法
Pounding 锤
Tags 标签
mango, onion, anchovies, shrimps, red chilli, Thai pepper, plum sauce, fish sauce, 青芒果, 红葱头, 江鱼仔, 虾米, 红辣椒, 小辣椒, 酸梅酱, 鱼露, 水