Unilaterally demanding sanctions against Iran, US counterattacked by EU allies - News

2020-09-21 32

Unilaterally demanding sanctions against Iran, US counterattacked by EU allies.
If the US imposes sanctions on countries and entities that do not comply with the sanctions applied to Iran, the situation will be really tense.

"If United Nations members fail to fulfill their responsibility to enforce these sanctions, the United States is willing to use its own tools to punish those errors."

It is hard to believe that this statement is from US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, when he unilaterally announced United Nations sanctions against Iran "take effect" from 20:00 on September 19 (US time).

It can be simply understood that the above statement is that "United Nations members who fail to implement the sanctions will suffer the consequences of retaliation from the US".

Will Trump surprise him?

In his statement, dated September 19, Pompeo stressed that the US "will do all it takes to get the sanctions in place and comply".

He also warned against China and Russia: "We will prevent Iran from acquiring Chinese tanks and Russian air defense systems. We expect each country to comply with Council resolutions. Security of United Nations ".