'Living Coffin' Made From Fungus Turns Your Body Into Compost

2020-09-17 46

DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS — A start-up founded by a researcher from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands called the Loop has developed a living coffin made from a special fungus, the university said in a press release.

Dubbed the "Living Cocoon," the coffin is made of mycelium and helps the body to decompose more efficiently. It also removes toxic substances such as the metal and varnish from coffins and synthetic fibers.

Mycelium is a fungus-like bacterial colony that lives underground in the complex root structure of trees, plants and fungi.

Mycelium is grown into the shape of the coffin and then dried. When exposed to water after burial it begins to grow again.

According to a report on DuthNews.nl, the company has already "grown" 10 coffins, and these are already on offer in the coffin collections of two Dutch funeral companies.