The ex-boyfriend of a Turkish student who campaigned for an end to violence against women admitted murdering her after cops found footage of him buying the petrol he used to set her on fire. Pinar Gultekin's body was found in a barrel that was hidden in a forest on the outskirts of the Aegean province of Mugla, Turkey, on the 21st July. She had been covered in petrol and set on fire, and then her bones had been broken in order to fit her body into the barrel which was then filled with concrete. She was last seen alive leaving her home in Ula, where she was a senior economics student at the Mugla Sitki Kocman University, on July 16. The Young woman was also a prominent campaigner to stop violence against women in a country where last month 27 women were killed by men, and another 23 died in what were described as "suspicious circumstances".