04/01/99 Monday Nitro
I guess it's funny every time Tony says "this is going down on your next review." Didn't these guys wrestle on THUNDER! or something once? Saturn slaps Jericho, Jericho cries to referee "Blind" Scott Dickinson. Don't Saturn and Dickinson have a history, come to think of it? Lockup, arm wringer by Jericho, reversal by Saturn, Jericho down, up, clothesline from Saturn. Jericho with a kick to the gut, chop (woooo!), side headlock, shoulderblock, back and forth, dueling hiptosses, Jericho flips, Saturn suplexes. Into the corner, whip, Jericho up and over, charge misses, Saturn with superKwang kicks. Another suplex by Saturn. Into the rope, duck, back elbow, Jericho puts him up and over, springboard dropkick! and he's on the floor. Jericho does the - I think that's the whooping crane. Knee to the back of the head - from the apron to the floor! Time for a commercial break while Jericho hits a snap suplex on the floor.
When we come back, we're in the ring, Saturn ducks a lariat and puts on a sleeper, Jericho counters with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down - no, Jericho is up. Tony promises to break into the match if they have Goldberg news (like, apparently, they need an excuse). Arrogant cover for 2. Rear chinlock by Jericho as Tony tells us this is segment seven of a sixteen segment program. Hmmm. Saturn with a spectacular suplex. Moving fast now - both men miss moves, Saturn sets up the Spicolli driver but Jericho pounds on him to get out. Whip, reversal, another suplex lookin' thing by Saturn, 1, 2, no! Whip into the corner - atomic drop - Jericho elbows the ref on his way down. Saturn to the ropes - springboard flying jalapeno but Jericho has pulled Dickinson in harm's way. Golotta by Jericho! Lionsault! Liontamer coming up but Dickinson calls for the bell before the hold is on. (8:12) He raises JERICHO'S hand! Apparently from Saturn hitting the move earlier.