Girl, 5, stung after disturbing wasp nest while playing

2020-09-10 1

A five-year-old girl was stung by a swarm of wasps while she was playing in a public park with her family.

The infant was running around the park with her grandparents on a picnic trip in Khon Kean, northeastern Thailand when the giant hornets attacked her.

The girl did not know that there were wasps living in the trees near where she was playing until she came too close to the nest and accidentally disturbed them.

The deadly insects swarmed around the screaming girl before her grandparents pulled her away from the tree.

They found eight wasps stings around her body and went home thinking that some topical creams would do, but she had a high fever a few hours later in the night so they rushed her to the hospital.

Her father Jutha Khaosamranm, 35, said her daughter seemed fine after she was stung, but they were worried when her body temperature spiked come evening.

Jutha said: "My daughter is now recovering. I just want to suggest that the officials put noticeable warning signs in the park, so no one will be stung by the bees and wasps again."