अपने अन्दर पैदा कीजिये एक शेर का PASSION-- आपकी जिंदगी बदलने वाली है हमेशा के लिए -- PASSION IS LIFE

2020-09-09 7

Discovering your passion inside you. your passion in life gives you something to build the rest of your life around. Your passion can be anything that simultaneously challenges you, intrigues you and motivates you. Contrary to the idea that doing what you love makes work effortless, a passion puts you to work. It’s what you're willing to sacrifice lesser leisure and pleasures for. Seek it and where you find it may surprise you.

We all have passion. The passion my be to construct our life or to destruct our life. When we were child, we were full of passion to live our life in the very true sense but as we got older passion has started to lost its existence.
Passion is not what you do for others instead you do it for yourself because passion comes from heart and you will be the happiest person if you make living from your passion.
Passion is the one quality that textbooks and instruction manuals and company procedures will never talk about. Everyone is in such a hurry to make you fit perfectly into the machine like a well-oiled gear, that they forgot you are a living, feeling human being. Even you have forgotten.

Ask yourself. If I had a lot of money in the bank, what kind of work would I be doing? Would I chuck this humdrum job and move on to something really exciting? Something that I have always wanted to do? Then ask yourself – why am I not doing that right now? Is it because of peer pressure or because I don’t want to move out of my comfort zone? Don’t want to rock my boat? You are half asleep in your boat already and in a few years you could be put out to pasture! If the boat rocks now, you could be jerked awake and come to your senses. Your passionate senses.

You don’t have to wait for dire straits to rock you out of your present mediocre life. You can decide right now, that you want to live and work passionately and make your life worthwhile.
One area that every person must be passionate about is self-development and self-improvement in their personal life. One should always be looking to challenge him/herself and learn new things.

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