S. Korea reports 156 COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, seeing downward trend in new cases

2020-09-09 19

신규확진 156명, 1주일째 100명대 유지속 소폭 증가… 소규모 집단 감염 지속

The COVID-19 situation in South Korea is our starting point this lunchtime.
Despite a slight uptick on Wednesday, the number of new cases remains on a downward trend.
Officials are still warning the public to take the necessary measures to prevent another upswing in cases.
Han Seong-woo reports.
South Korea reported 156 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, a slight increase from the 136 cases added the day before.
However, infections have remained below the 200 mark for a week now, showing an overall downward trend.
Of the infections reported Wednesday, 144 were transmitted locally,… mostly concentrated in the greater Seoul area.
The other 12 were from overseas.
Health officials say the capital region's level 2-point-5 social distancing measures may be lifted if quarantine efforts are well adhered to.
"There will be no need to extend the strengthened measures if we can concentrate on social distancing for five more days until the end of the week."
But sporadic cluster infections are still popping up across the nation, including at a Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard, a call center, religious facilities and a sauna.
Those are on top of infections stemming from last month's protest at Seoul's Gwanghwamun Square.
Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun on Wednesday warned certain civic groups against holding planned mass rallies on October third, South Korea's National Foundation Day.
"The government will not hesitate to take action against those who hamper virus prevention efforts and threaten the safety of our society."
With Wednesday's tally, the national caseload is nearly 21-thousand-600.
The number of people in critical condition has increased to 154.
Three more people have died, raising the death toll to 344.
Han Seong-woo, Arirang News.

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