Donald Trump is strong, the US-China trade deal is in danger- - News

2020-09-08 25

Donald Trump is strong, the US-China trade deal is in danger?
US President Donald Trump's announcement of canceling last week's talks with China is raising doubts about the future of a phase 1 trade deal.

Explaining his sudden decision, Mr Trump on August 18 simply said: "I don't want a dialogue with China now." According to US media, the White House leadership continues to complain about China, especially about the spread of Covid-19. What Beijing did to the world, he said, was "unthinkable".

The implication behind the sudden decision.

The White House leader's answer partly answered public questions when some news agencies reported last week that the scheduled video call on August 15 between Chinese Vice Premier Liu. Crane with US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin aimed at assessing progress in the six months following the signing of the Phase 1 trade agreement has been delayed indefinitely. At the time, Reuters quoted an assertive source, which stemmed from the fact that the two sides were not able to arrange work schedules.

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