Trump's Record Of Dissing Military Troops, Families Is Coming Back To Bite Him

2020-09-05 48

The political cat was set among the pigeons Wednesday with a publication of a scathing new article in The Atlantic magazine.
According to CNN, the author cited multiple sources who recounted instances of President Donald Trump speaking scornfully of US military men and women.
Trump allegedly called them 'losers' and 'suckers,' and expressed particular contempt for those who had been maimed, captured, or killed in the line of duty.
CNN has not yet independently verified the allegations, and the President and White House staffers are pushing back on the story--loudly.
However, there's a problem. Trump has a public record of televised comments in which he has expressed similar contempt for and disrespect of the military.
He's said the late Sen. John McCain was not a hero for having been a POW in Vietnam for years, and called five-star Gen. James Mattis 'overrated.'
Trump has also publicly smeared gold star families, whose sons or daughters have been killed in action.

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