Politics has intensified due to the verbal war between Kangana Ranaut and Sanjay Raut. Shiv Sena leaders are under severe criticism for threatening Kangana Ranaut. Suranpal Singh 'Ammu', the president of Karni Sena, said, Sanjay Raut should be drowned for using such language for the country's daughter Kangana Ranaut. Maharashtra does not belong to Sanjay Raut's father. Maharashtra does not belong to the father of Aamir Khan and Shahrukh Khan. This is Shivaji's Maharashtra. Maharashtra does not belong to a few MLAs of Shiv Sena. Maharashtra belongs to crores of countrymen. Sanjay Raut has exposed the face of Shiv Sena. #KanganaVsShivsena #KanganaVsKhans