Gov't, ruling party agree to selectively provide COVID-19 support to worst-hit people, businesses

2020-09-04 3

당정, '집합금지 피해업종•취약층' 선별해 현금성 집중지원

The South Korean government and the ruling Democratic party have agreed to focus the second round of COVID-19 relief funds on businesses and families most affected by the recently-tightened social distancing measures.
In a closed door meeting Thursday, they discussed the extent of financial support and who will be eligible.
They agreed the emergency funds should be selectively given to people and businesses most vulnerable to the heightened measures, especially those forced to close down.
The worst-hit include Karaokes, internet cafes, coffee shops, and more.
The two sides are considering providing each of them with around $840 U.S. dollars.
Travel agencies, water parks and hotels are also being considered.
They plan to provide the support before the start of the Chuseok holiday at the end of the month.