India sees highest daily COVID-19 increase worldwide with more than 80,000 new cases

2020-09-03 12

인도 하루 확진자, 세계 첫 8만명 넘어…미국 2배씩 증가

India has recorded the highest single-day coronavirus case count of any country since the start of the pandemic with more than 83-thousand new infections on Thursday.
The country now has over 3-point-8 million confirmed Covid-19 infections, the third highest total in the world... after the U.S. with nearly 6-point-3 million and Brazil with more than 4 million.
But since the middle of August, India has been detecting the highest number of new infections across the globe every day, nearly double those in the U.S. and Brazil.
Experts warn India will continue to see cases surge as the government plans to loosen its social distancing measures such as resuming subway operations.