America launched three missile sinking transport ships - News

2020-09-03 32

America launched three missile sinking transport ships.
At least three anti-ship missiles were used by the US Navy to sink border transports Durham during RIMPAC 2020 maneuvers.

"Warships and aircraft participating in the Pacific Belt maneuvers sinking an amphibious transport ship eliminated the USS Durham (LKA 114) border on August 30," according to a statement yesterday by the US Navy.

Sinking target ships is an important part of RIMPAC maneuvers, helping participating forces master practical sea combat skills and operate combat systems, which cannot be reproduced on equipment. simulation.

A video released by the US Navy shows an anti-ship cruise missile, possibly the RGM-84 Harpoon, gliding over the water, piercing the side of the Durham ship and exploding, causing black smoke from the ship to emanate. . Two more missiles then flew in and fired at the ship in a short period of time.

During the period between the second and third missile collisions, the series of objects hit the ship and the surrounding water, be it cannonballs, guided missiles or AGM-154 JSOW glide bombs.

The US Navy often uses old scrapped ships as targets in SINKEX maneuvers.

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