美 3개 부처, 北 탄도미사일 물품 조달 관련 합동 '경보' 발령...IAEA "北 핵개발 활동 여전히 심각한 우려"
The U.S. has issued an industry advisory against North Korea for its continued ballistic missile procurement activities.
The joint advisory warns those aiding the regime may be subject to U.S. sanctions.
This comes as the IAEA suggests that the regime is continuing development of its nuclear weapons program.
Yoon Jung-min reports.
The U.S. State Department, Treasury Department and Commerce Department issued a joint advisory on Tuesday over North Korea's ballistic missile procurement activities.
The advisory listed six North Korean entities involved in the regime's procurement of ballistic missile-related items,... including the Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation.
It said North Korea uses an extensive overseas network to procure ballistic missile components that it cannot produce domestically.
The U.S. also warned the private sector,... saying those involved in assisting the North's weapons procurement activities, even inadvertently, may be subject to sanctions by U.S. and UN authorities.
Criminal penalties may include up to 20 years imprisonment... and fines of up to one-million U.S. dollars.
The latest advisory comes after the U.S. issued an alert last week to financial institutions regarding a North Korea-backed hacking group.
Meanwhile, citing a new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency,... Japan-based broadcaster NHK reported Wednesday that North Korea is continuing development of its nuclear weapons program not only at its Yeongbyeon nuclear facility, but also at a facility near Pyeongyang.
It said analysis of satellite imagery showed vehicle movement near the uranium enrichment facility,... and construction at a plutonium facility.
The IAEA also said the facility in Gangseon near the North's capital appears to be a uranium enrichment facility.
Yoon Jung-min, Arirang News.