If you're a cocktail fan, here's a statement you've likely heard before: Negroni Week.The event has been pushed back from its original dates in June, and it's now taking place from September 14-20.The event's primary sponsors—Campari and Imbibe Magazine—say that they are "flipping the script" this year.Because this year, participants are being encouraged to stay in and drink at home while using Zoom to raise money for bars.All of this year's Negroni Week events will be virtual—including Zoom classes and cocktail kits from online retailers.Everyone is also being encouraged to give money online, and Campari will match donations to $200,000.The funds raised will then go to nine U.S.-based organizations that represent the hospitality community.Everything you need to know about this virtual Negroni Week can be found at negroniweek.com