Korail Chuseok train tickets on sale for 2 days, only phone or online booking accepted

2020-09-01 4

한국철도, 오늘부터 추석 승차권 예매…100% 비대면으로

Train tickets for this year's Chuseok holiday or Korean thanksgiving will open today at 9 AM, Korea time, and remain open for the next two days.
Through Thursday, people can book tickets for trains running from September 29th to October 4th.
All reservations are non-contact due to the virus so people can only buy tickets over the phone or online.
On the first day, ten percent of the tickets are secured for the disabled and the elderly.
From Wednesday, anyone can book tickets from 7 AM to 1 PM.
Tickets can be purchased for the Gyeongbu, Gyeongjeon, Donghae, Chungbuk lines on Wednesday.
Tickets for the Honam, Jeolla, Gangneung and Janghang lines go on sale on Thursday.