First direct Israel-UAE flight carries Israeli, U.S. delegations through Saudi airspace

2020-09-01 12

이스라엘 국적기, UAE로 역사적 첫 비행...사우디 상공 통과

The first-ever direct commercial passenger plane flew from Israel to the United Arab Emirates on Monday, carrying a high-ranking U.S. and Israeli delegation.
Flying over Saudi Arabia, the Israeli flight marked the implementation of the historic deal to normalize relations between Israel and the UAE.
Following the plane's landing, Israel's Prime Minister celebrated the historic day.
"A historical day, a happy day for all citizens of Israel, a day of victory for the doctrine of peace in exchange for peace. It will be a different peace, it will be a warm peace, because it is based on economic cooperation with an entrepreneurial economy similar to ours with very large economic capabilities."
With the U.S. as a mediator, the two nations agreed in mid-August to work toward normalization of relations, making UAE the third Arab nation to have full relations with Israel.