Liberals are quick to dismiss Trump They do so at their peril

2020-08-30 18

In assessing the Republican national convention, liberal columnists poured forth a torrent of bile and scorn. Some sample headlines from the Washington Post: “The GOP Convention Just Ripped the Mask off Trump’s Corruption and Lies.” “Trump Shows us the Limits of Running the Country Like a Reality TV Show.” “Trump’s Choice for America: Democracy or White Supremacy?” “What Country Does Mike Pence Live In?” “The Latest Chaos at the Convention Reveals Trump as a Miserable Failure.” “To sum up,” Jennifer Rubin, the Washington Post columnist, wrote in a representative passage, “the Republican party has dropped any pretense of a policy platform, throwing its lot in with a racist, xenophobic and compulsively dishonest man who creates chaos and dysfunction and is the subject of multiple investigations relating to his finances.”For those of us who devoutly desire Trump’s defeat, the Republican convention did seem a miasma of bromides and bombast, hypocrisy and hyperbole, fawning and evasion. The columnists’ lockstep bashing of Trump, however, is revealing in its own way. It shows the extent to which the liberal commentariat has become an arm of the Democratic party. It also suggests their remarkable lack of curiosity and interest in how the convention played with ordinary voters. And, however cynical and manipulative the show may have been, it seemed in many ways an effective one. Take, for instance, the naturalization ceremony Trump conducted in the White House. One columnist, in a typical swipe, blasted the president for “crassly reducing five newly minted US citizens to photogenic props”. But those props included a medical worker from Ghana, a substitute teacher from Sudan, a construction worker from Bolivia, and a software engineer from India, all of whom were asked by the president to share their stories.

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