योग की शुरूआत कैसे करें-सूक्ष्म योग - Yoga For Beginners Part 1 - How To Start Yoga - Varun Awasthi

2020-08-28 10

#YogaForBeginners #HowToStartYoga #FirtsTimeYog #Part1
अकसर हम लोग योग करना तो चाहते हैं पर जानकारी के आभाव में या जरूरत से ज्यादा जानकारी की वजह से हमें ये पता ही नहीं होता की हम योग की शुरूआत कैसे करें। योग एक बहुत ही सरल प्रक्रीया है पर गलत मार्गदशकों ने इसे आम लोगों के लिए थोड़ा कठिन बना दिया है। अगर आप पहली बार योग शुरू कर रहें हैं तो ये विडीयो खास आपके लिए है इसमें बहुत ही सरल तरह से योग की शुरूआत की गई है इस विडीयो में आप सरल और सुक्ष्म योग के आसन जानेंगे और ये ऐसे आसन हैं जो आप आराम से कर सकते हैं।

Yoga is a very easy process of transformation but some of the so-called experts cum gymnasts have made it a circus by performing hard to do acrobats, which might do any good for the health as compared to the health benefits as yoga. As a beginner, it's important to understand the core and right way to practice yoga. So If it's the first time you are starting yoga than this video is for you. The video contains very easy poses of yoga which will give you a great start and in coming future, you will be able to practice yoga at home and will be able to do any of the yoga poses. So, for a great yoga start to practice yoga with this video.

Disclaimer - All Yoga Poses ( Asanas, Meditation, Breathing Exercise, and Ayurvedic remedies) must be done under the guidance. If you have any medical condition it is important to consult a medical practitioner before practicing any of the exercises shown in AvyagraYoga videos. My knowledge is based on personal experiences, research, and personal studies. The topics in these videos including text, graphics, and other material are for education purposes only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice. Avyagrayoga is not reliable for any unfortunate circumstances created by overdoing or wrong interpretation of videos.