How to Not Diet and Lose Weight Permanently

2020-08-27 2

If you want to lost weight permanently, you have to make a lifestyle change and adopt new healthier habits. You have to want to do this and not want to turn back to your old ways. I have researched 5 ways that can lead to permanent weight loss for you. It's not going to be easy (it's not terrible either) and it won't be overnight (no immediate satisfaction - sorry!). But it is possible.

The Smoothie Diet: 21 Day Weight Loss Program

Love Real Food By Kathryne Taylor

How Not To Die By Michael Greger, MD and Gene Stone

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Now that many of us have packed on the Quarantine 15, it’s time to lose the weight for good. What is our ideal weight? We focus so much on weight loss but do you really know what your ideal weight should be? There are diet calculators but they don’t take into consideration that we are all different. We have different body types, different muscle types. We eat different things. We all exercise differently. So instead of getting to a number, I suggest we achieve a feeling of ideal weight – where we change our mindset, cut sugar, reach for healthy food choices, and getting in enough physical activity where we feel energized.

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