Mexican President films video on presidential plane promoting his symbolic raffle

2020-08-27 1

오브라도르 멕시코 대통령, 전용기 판매 기금 복권 광고 촬영

The president of Mexico has filmed a video on the presidential plane he has refused to fly in, and is trying to sell… to urge people to buy tickets for his symbolic raffle for the jet.
The president, who's known for using only commercial flights, has long criticized the unnecessary luxury of the plane... which was purchased by his predecessor for about 200 million U.S. dollars.
"With so much poverty, this plane is an insult. We are going to raffle it off on September 15. And its takings will be used for medical equipment for the people."
Winners will each receive prizes of about one million U.S. dollars in cash.
The original idea was to raffle off the plane itself, but had to be switched to a symbolic raffle… as many Mexicans saw no practical use for a huge jet.
The plane itself will be sold outright by the Mexican government.
And that does it for today's edition of 'The World Now'. I'll be back next time with more updates from around the world.