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The World Health Organiz"/>

Weekly global infection numbers down; virus moving to other regions

2020-08-26 9

WHO "대부분 지역서 코로나19 확산속도 다소 주춤"

The World Health Organization's latest weekly update on the COVID-19 situation worldwide shows there's been an overall decrease in the number of infections.
However, it indicates the virus may be spreading to other regions.
Lee Seung-jae reports.
The WHO has released its latest weekly epidemiological data,... gathered from August 17th to the 23rd,... showing some mixed signs regarding the infection rates worldwide.
The data reveals over 1-point-7 million new COVID-19 cases and 39-thousand new deaths were reported to the WHO over that the period,... which is a 4-percent decrease in cases but a 5-percent increase in deaths compared to the previous week.
While a decrease in weekly cases were reported in most parts of the world,... SouthEast Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean region showed an increase of 4-percent each.
In the U.S., virus numbers have spread to the Midwest,... with a spike in cases in Ohio, Missouri, Wisconsin and Illinois.
According to the Wall Street Journal,... the weekly change in COVID-19 cases in these regions has been higher in rural regions,... as outbreaks are linked to social events rather than workplace exposure or living situations.
European countries which have been hit hard,... are beginning to see a resurgence,... with Germany and Spain seeing their highest number of infections since April.
In response,... Germany may soon ditch its localized COVID-19 measures,... and begin national measures.
With the second most infections in the world,... Brazil has so far reported over 3-point-6 million cases,... and more than 115-thousand deaths.
In addition,... Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro's eldest son has tested positive,... becoming the fourth member of the president's direct family to be infected.
Japan is also seeing numbers jump back up,... as the nation reported 716 cases on Tuesday,... after seeing new cases slow during the past week.
With resurgences being reported,... health authorities around the world fear the pandemic is far from over.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

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