S. Korea, U.S. to begin annual joint military drills despite local spike in COVID-19 cases

2020-08-18 3

한미연합훈련 오늘부터 시작... 주한미군 코로나 확진 보건조치 격상

South Korea and the U.S. are set to start their annual joint military drills ,... which will be scaled back amid the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases in South Korea.
This year's exercises are scheduled to run from Tuesday through August 28th.
They will be low-key mainly involving computer-simulated war scenarios.
U.S. Forces Korea heightened the health protection level against the pandemic for all areas within South Korea as of 5 a.m. Monday due to the recent spike in cases.
Under the revised rules,... the number of personnel working on bases will be reduced.
The USFK will also conduct health checks such as temperature screening on all people entering bases.