U.S. exceeds 170,000 COVID-19 deaths, New Zealand postpones general election

2020-08-17 14

코로나 해외 상황

The U.S. remains the global epicenter of the pandemic.
There are 5-point-four-million confirmed cases globally as of Sunday, and over 1-hundred-70-thousand deaths, according to Reuters.
Japan exceeded 1-thousand cases for the fourth straight day,... recording one-thousand-and-twenty on Sunday.
Australia reported a record high 25 deaths from the coronavirus overnight on Monday.
As the number of new infections grows in New Zealand,... Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the country's general election will be postponed by a month to mid-October.
The WHO says more than 30 countries reported over 1-thousand new infection cases on Saturday.
Among them, four countries saw over 10-thousand daily cases.
India reported over 65-thousand, Brazil 60-thousand, while the U.S. and Colombia recorded more than 52 thousand and 11 thousand cases respectively.