New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern recently visited Radha Krishna Temple In Auckland. Jacinda recently launched her campaign for the upcoming elections in September. She even attended and performed the ‘Aarti’ and ate Chole Puri during her visit. The 40 year old PM has gained so much praise from around the world for handling COVID 19 pandemic with such ease, reportedly, the country haven’t reported a single transmission of virus in last 100 days. The video was shared by the Radha Krishna Temple Facebook page, while Indian High Commissioner to New Zealand Muktesh Pardeshi shared some pictures with the leader; he tweeted, “Some precious moments with Hon. PM of New Zealand @jacindaardern at @indiannewslink event on Aug 6, 2020. She paid a short visit to Radha Krishna Mandir and enjoyed a simple Indian vegetarian meal- Puri, Chhole and Daal.”