Construccion de la Central Nuclear Embalse en Cordoba - Argentina 1979

2020-08-09 8

Cordoba: Journalistic note on the construction of the Embalse Nuclear Power Plant. Report where the journalist Gustavo Tobi comments: - "The calender, central part of the reactor where atomic fission will take place and is located in a vertical position in this huge cement cylinder, in the very basic part of this Córdoba power plant that will have a 600MW power, exactly double that of Atucha. In this place this large cylinder will be stopped until it is time to place it in position. In this way another stage of fundamental importance has been completed in the progress of this transcendental work for the energy development of the country that must be concluded according to what was projected in 1980. This is the upper part of the Dome, the name given to the huge cylinder inside which the reactor is located. We now ascend in the lindara, name that is It overlooks a rope that is powered by a huge crane that is taking us to an approximate height of 100 meters, where we can see the upper part of the roof of the conventional building. We are now climbing on the gondola, it is a metal cage that is operated by a crane that takes us to a height of approximately 120 meters, from here we see the reactor building in great perspective. Now from a height of approximately 150 meters as if we were in a helicopter that moves at very low speed but in silence we achieve these truly exceptional images of this important work, not only for Córdoba but also for the entire energy system of the country. The little wind favors us and also the day, as we said, is bright. The image is showing you at this moment the water intake through which the liquid element enters that serves as we said for cooling. This is the main reason why the plant was built on the shores of a lake. Later, the water leaves through a 6-kilometer-long channel that allows it to be cooled again in such a way that it does not re-enter the lake hot, this is done to preserve the ecology of the reservoir. A new perspective as we descend. The reservoir is located 120 kilometers from the city of Córdoba. "General views of the works being carried out in the complex. Close-up plans of the cement cylinder where the reactor will be. Close-up plans of the turbine built by the company“ Canadian Vickers ”placed on the truck that transports it. (Gustavo Tobi / Optico)
Date: 1979
Duration: 3 minutes 52 seconds
Film Code: B-02268

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