Operation of the Federal Police in Buenos Aires 1976

2020-08-06 6

Bs. As .: In different parts of the Federal Capital, members of the Federal Police are carrying out prevention operations. This is the case of one of the many vehicles and their managers that are investigated. The operation consists of a thorough review of the vehicles as they are documenting our cameras. This operation is taking place at night, in the neighborhood of La Boca. As in other previous cases, the vehicle will be searched by the Federal Police. After requisitioning the car, documentation, driver registration, receipt of the patent and identification document of the vehicle are required at the same time, these essential requirements that are obviously necessary to circulate in the Federal Capital and in other parts of the country. With an extensive police device as has been carried out for several days in different areas of the Federal Capital, the police comply with a severe control of vehicles at different entrances to the Federal Capital. Journalistic note in the La Boca neighborhood, about the prevention operation. Close-ups of the armed police, searching the interior of the vehicles and the documentation of the drivers. Close-ups of a driver getting out of the vehicle and opening the trunk of the car. Close-ups of a man getting out of the car, then he rests his hands on the roof of the vehicle and a police officer feels his arms. Finally they check the trunk of the car. (Edgardo Mesa / Magnetico / Night)
Date: 4/21/1976
Duration: 3 minutes 47 seconds
Film code: B-00075

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