End of The Convention As We Know It?

2020-08-05 7

Especially in the days of television, some of the biggest events in the political calendar have been the prime time Democratic and Republican political conventions. But, this year, the structure of the extravaganzas have changed significantly due to Coronavirus concerns. Experts say, this may not be all bad, in fact, of all events facing a shake up because of the pandemic, political conventions may be best suited for change. 0.22 Alex Vogel: CEO Vogel Group "In modern politics, conventions really had become well produced tv shows. bump to "You will not longer have those amazing shots of delegates swarming around the floor, I think they will be able to produce some of that digitally' Experts argue, in the modern climate, conventions were already less relevant than they had been in the past. Robert Shapiro, Columbia University, 0.40 "The conventions tend to be more publicity shows than substantive events." That's the impact it may have on the viewing public, but what of the parties? Lawrence Tabas, Chair PA GOP 0.50 "It would be nice to have a great convention like we had in Cleveland and the excitement from it, but we will be able to recreate that on many different levels. Jaime Harrison, US Senate Candidate South Carolina 0.57 " A lot of folks look forward to conventions every four years and I'm one of them, But you know, this year we just have to do it differently." And as for the rising stars of the party who normally come to prominence during a convention, it's likely they will still have their moment in the sun. Alex Vogel, CEO Vogel Group 1.17 "Both parties have used conventions, both to highlight their bench, and also to use that as an opportunity to have new voices get the message across and I think that would be no difference in this context at all. And some experts even venture to say, that the lack of delegates may make it easier to toe the party line. Vogel 1.34 In many ways, putting on a convention is a lot easier when you don't have thousands of delegates and the unpredictable nature of human behavior to deal with." While the big crowds, falling balloons, and patriotic music are going by the wayside, it's certain that both parties are working hard to put on a great show.