S. Korean gov't to take precautionary measures for 2021 Suneung, allowing COVID-19 patients to take exam

2020-08-04 6

코로나 확진자 수능 병원서 치른다…자가격리자는 별도 시험장

South Korea's annual nationwide college entrance exam is a logistical challenge even in normal years, with special measures taken to give candidates the best possible conditions to take the life-changing exam.
But this year, even more measures are being taken to best accommodate the needs of test takers amid the risk of COVID-19.
Kim Sung-min explains.
This year's Suneung exam will take place under precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
In order to give as many people as possible the chance to take the test, the Education Ministry said Tuesday that test takers for this year's exam will be categorized into three groups.
On the exam day, normal test takers will have their temperatures checked.
People with no symptoms will be moved to normal test sites, while those who show symptoms like a fever will be tested again.
Depending on the severity, they will then be moved to separate test sites.
People confirmed with COVID-19 will also be able to take the test.
However, it will be taken at the hospital or other health care facility that they are staying in.
Lastly, separate test sites will be available for those who are under self-quarantine.
The Suneung will be an exception to the self-quarantine measures and the government will check demand in advance so it can prepare the sites.
Movement of those under self-quarantine will also be managed on the day.
There are other precautionary measures to further prevent the potential spread of the virus.
At normal test sites, the maximum number of examinees will be reduced from 28 to 24 and each desk will be separated by partitions to keep sufficient distance between candidates.
While COVID-19 patients can take the Suneung, they won't be allowed to take other exams given separately by universities, unless those tests are done online.
Scheduled for almost a month later than usual on December 3rd, this year's Suneung is expected to be taken by around four-hundred-eighty-thousand people at more than a thousand test sites.
It is also the first year that the test reflects the latest education curriculum implemented in 2015.
Kim Sung-min, Arirang News

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