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S. Korea orders diplomat to return home over allegations of sexual assult in New Zealand

2020-08-03 6

외교부 "성추행 의혹 외교관 오늘부로 즉각 귀임 발령"

South Korea has ordered a diplomat to return home over allegations that he sexually assaulted a local embassy employee when he stationed in New Zealand.
The New Zealander has accused the South Korean diplomat of groping parts of his body on three different occations in 2017... and the country's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern raised the issue directly with President Moon Jae-in in a phone conversation last week.
The diplomat left New Zealand in early 2018 and had been posted to the South Korean embassy in the Philippines.
Seoul says it will cooperate on legal assistance on criminal matters and extradition... if New Zealand makes a request.
Seoul delivered its stance to New Zealand's ambassador to South Korea Philip Turner on Monday.