Free PS3 - The Easy Way: Guaranteed Referrals

2008-12-29 213

FreePS3 -- Feel free to contact me about anything. E-mail: - - - - - - - - Start by Clicking the Special Link: Step 1.) Sign up using the link above - Pick "Referrals" as the account method. *Before You Start Step 2! To help prevent delays in receiving credit for completing an offer, it is suggested that you disable any Pop-up Blockers, and change settings to Accept All Cookies. Step 2.) Choose and Complete any Level A Offer - Pick one of the free trial offers. Most Popular: "" Step 3.) Screenshot of Your Progress Page - When it shows "Completed Offer: Yes" e-mail me a screenshot of it. *This is used to confirm you've completed Step 1 & 2 so I can begin getting referrals for you. Step 4.) Get Your Free PS3 - The hardest part is getting referrals, but I get them for you. You'll be placed on the special rotator link and start getting referrals right away. Once you have enough referrals, you'll have your FREE PlayStation 3 sent to you. You only need 9 referrals to get a Free 80GB PS3 and Game of your choice. Average time of getting referrals could be between a few weeks or a few months. NOTE: These times are general and not absolute. - - - - - - - - Change Settings "How to" Video Here: Take a Screenshot "How to" Video Here: -------------------- Frequently Asked Questions Q: What is the rotator? A: The rotator is the special link listed on the Step-By-Step Guide that everyone signs up under. It rotates through the referrals listed on it to distribute traffic equally, so everyone gets equal turns at referrals. To get listed on the rotator, sign-up using the Step-By-Step Guide. Q: Who can participate on this site? A: Any person 16 years or older and located in the United States or Canada with internet access may participate on this site. Q: What is a referral? A: A referral is a user who you refer to our site and registers using your referral link. Q: Do I have to ...