The Golden Jackal: The Best Life Partner and Animal Dad? | Discover Wild Paws

2020-07-31 18

The Golden jackal has long, pointed ears and long hair. The coat of the animal is rather coarse and not very long. The tail is fluffy and long. They are the largest species of Jackal found in the world. The coloration of their fur depends on the season of year and region, varying from yellow to pale gold with a brown tip.
They are widely distributed from North and East Africa to southeastern Europe and South Asia.
Living nearby human settlements, Golden jackals are strictly nocturnal. However, those living in other areas can be partly diurnal. The main social unit of these animals is a mated pair as well as a family, consisting of a mated pair and its young. Living in pairs, the jackals share most of their activity with the partners. Their behavior is strictly synchronized: they forage, hunt and rest together. As a matter of fact, hunting in pairs, they are three times more successful, than hunting alone. Golden jackals can also dig caverns themselves as well as use crevices in rocks. They are very friendly to their partners. Scratching one another all over their bodies is a common activity between mates. Nevertheless, once strange jackals encounter each other, their behavior shows subordination, domination and even readiness to attack.
Golden jackals are omnivores. These opportunistic foragers have a rather diverse diet. They feed on a wide variety of animal species such as young gazelles, hares, reptiles, ground birds and their eggs, fish frogs as well as insects. The usual diet Golden jackals also includes various fruits.
Golden jackals have monogamous mating system with females, fiercely defending the territory from other females. Thus, they try to restrict access of female intruders to the male, not sharing him and preventing his paternal investment. Breeding season takes place in the beginning of February or in the end of January (if the weather is warm enough), lasting about 26-28 days. After the gestation period of 63 days, the female gives birth in a den within the pair's territory. One litter can yield 1-9 babies, with an average of 2-4 pups. The female nurses the young for about 8 weeks, after which they are weaned. Females reach sexual maturity during the first year of their lives while male jackals become sexually mature within two years.
One of the serious concerns to their population is diseases. Rabies and distemper, for example, occasionally cause high numbers of mortality among these animals. On the other hand, they are hunted and persecuted as livestock predators and pests. However, the major threat is the alteration of traditional land use practices. Some parts of their habitat are presently turning to industrial areas and agricultural lands, which leads to reduction of cover and food shortages.
Golden jackals are common and widespread, found in large numbers throughout the area of their range. In India, for example, specific populations of Golden jackals are estimated to be about 80,000 individuals.

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