Adult elephant tries to break down enclosure protecting rescued baby jumbo

2020-07-31 107

A wild elephant was seen on CCTV trying to break into a temporary enclosure holding a lost baby jumbo.

The infant was rescued after being separated from its herd and held in the small pen in in Kanchanaburi, western Thailand.

Rangers saw the adult male, named Namphu, wandering close to the enclosure on Saturday July 25 evening.

The two jumbos were reportedly heard communicating with each other before the older one parted the enclosure and left.

However, Namphu returned to the baby's enclosure on Monday July 27 evening trying to break in again.

CCTV footage shows the wild jumbo stomping on the bamboo fence.

The baby spotted the older tusker but was scared and tried to hide behind the tree before the animal left.

The chief ranger Thanit Nuyim said the baby is still in fear and they will increase patrols to protect it.

Thanit said: "We do not know the reason behind the adult elephant's attack but the baby appeared to be afraid of its senior.

"I decided to order the officers to watch the baby elephant more closely to keep it away from possible harm."