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S. Korean PM promises all out efforts to improve lives of young people

2020-07-28 3

정세균 "청년기본법 내달 5일부터 시행... 청년 꿈 펼치도록 지원"

South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun has pledged to actively resolve the problems of the nation's young adults.
This comes as the Cabinet passed an act that invites representatives from the 18 to 35 age group to take part in creating youth policies.
Kim Mok-yeon reports.
The Cabinet has voted to enact the 'Framework Act on Youth'.
The act seeks to attend to the needs of the nation's young adults, those aged between 18 and 35, by allowing them to directly participate in making youth policy.
In a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said that in line with the passage of the act, the government will boost efforts to support the nation's youth, who've suffered from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"We will create a youth policy coordination committee, which I will lead myself. It will act as a control tower for related policies. We will break the norm and invite young members on behalf of the nation's youth, and come up with aggressive measures to overcome the problems suffered by young adults."
Under the new bill, which passed through parliament in January, more than half of the members of the youth policy coordination committee must comprise of youth representatives.
It also includes provisions for related ministries to hold extensive checkups on the living conditions, economic situation, and welfare of young people... and submit detailed policy proposals to the Prime Minister annually.
The Prime Minister will be tasked with creating a master plan based on those recommendations every 5 years.
Also, the bill designates every third Saturday of September as a national 'Youth Day', where events will be held to raise attention about the problems faced by young adults.
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.