Russia adds 5,000 new virus cases daily for past week; virus showing no sign of dying down

2020-07-27 5

러시아 코로나19 신규 확진 일주일째 5천명대,... 일본 확진자 닷새째 700명↑

Looking at the region as a whole,... Russia has been seeing over 5-thousand new COVID-19 cases in the past week,... with the virus showing no sign of dying down any time soon.
The total number of infected people in Russia as of Saturday was tallied at 812-thousand, with the accumulated death toll at over 13-thousand.
Russia is the fourth biggest COVID-19 hotspot in the world,... and it's also where many of imported infections in South Korea have come from in recent weeks through ships docking in the country.
In Japan,... the total number of COVID-19 patients has reached 11-thousand-214,... after adding over 7-hundred new cases daily over the past 5-days.
Japan's NHK reported that the country added 825 new cases on Saturday, including cases from the Diamond Princess cruise ship docked near Tokyo,... one of the first hotspots in that country.