북, 첫 코로나 의심 보도, 개성시 완전 폐쇄
North Korea has finally reported its first suspected case of COVID-19 within its borders.
It says it's waiting for test results.
That's according to the regime's state-run Korean Central News Agency, which reported today that someone who had crossed over to South three years ago returned to the North on July 19th and had symptoms.
The person, it said, was put under strict quarantine along with people who'd come in contact with them, and the city of Gaeseong was put on lockdown.
In response, North Korean leader Kim Jung-un convened a session of the politburo on Saturday addressing the relevant officials... and ordering emergency measures.
So far, North Korea has claimed not to have had a single case of COVID-19 because it shut its borders soon after the virus emerged in China.