Informe crimen de Nair Mostafa en Tres Arroyos - Buenos Aires 1992

2020-07-24 13

The perfect crimes: Nair Mostafa. Report on the murder of Nair Mostafa in the city of Tres Arroyos (12/31/89), province of Buenos Aires. Photos by Nair Mustard. Liliana Fuentes talking to a journalist from Channel 9 in the police station. Images of the place where Nair Mostaza's lifeless body appeared. Riots in the city of Tres Arroyos. Images of a vehicle overturned and catching fire. Antonio Cafiero with Liliana Fuentes. Repudiation march in the city of Tres Arroyos. Pinky talks to Liliana Fuentes and Dr. Miguel Angel Azad in the television studio.
Date: 1992
Duration: 9 minutes 46 seconds
Code: DV-01380

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