Bestselling author Chetan Bhagat has come out and slammed Vidhu Vinod Chopra, the producer of film 3 Idiots. He revealed that Vidhu Vinod’s actions drove him to suicide a decade ago. As we know popular film 3 Idiots was based on Chetan Bhagat’s novel ‘Five Point Someone’. Chetan Bhagat took to Twitter and wrote, “Many know this, for those new here. 1) 3 Idiots was based on my novel Five Point Someone and my story. 2) The film won every story award that year. 3) I was not given any of those story awards. They took them all. 4) As a powerless newcomer I was bullied and was deeply affected.” Well, let us tell you how this debate started in the first place. Chetan Bhagat made a tweet a few days ago. He targeted the elite film critics and wrote, “Sushant's last film releases this week. I want to tell the snob and elitist critics right now, write sensibly. Don't act oversmart. Don't write rubbish. Be fair and sensible. Don't try your dirty tricks. You have ruined enough lives. Now stop. We'll be watching.” His tweet didn’t go well with film critic Anupama Chopra who is also the wife of Vidhu Vinod Chopra. Anupama wrote in reply, “Each time you think the discourse can’t get lower, it does!” And this is what triggered Chetan Bhagat. He wrote back, “Ma'am, when your husband publicly bullied me, shamelessly collected all the best story awards, tried denying me credit for my story and drove me close to suicide, and you just watched, where was your discourse?” Twitter is yet again divided with some supporting Chetan Bhagat while the rest are bashing him.