Samsung, Hyundai Motor heirs discuss cooperation over electric, driverless cars

2020-07-21 9

이재용•정의선 오늘 2차 회동…차세대 모빌리티 협력 도모

South Korean industry giants Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motor Group have been looking for a way to work together in electric vehicles and driverless cars.
Their leaders met on Tuesday for the second time... to discuss those efforts.
Our Kim Jae-hee has this report.
Two of South Korea's top business leaders have met to discuss working together on electric and driverless cars.
Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong and Hyundai Motor Group Executive Vice Chairman Chung Eui-sun met on Tuesday at Hyundai Motors' Namyang Research and Development Center in Hwaseong, south of Seoul.
This was the second one-on-one meeting between the two heirs. They last met back in May at Samsung's Digital Interface plant in Cheonan city.
One analyst says the meeting on Tuesday likely paved the way for the two companies to collaborate on not just electric vehicle batteries, but also driverless cars.
"If Hyundai and Samsung partner up, they'll be able to develop software along with high-tech electric vehicle components, giving them a competitive edge not only in the field of electric vehicles but even in autonomous driving."
Hyundai Motor Group's Chung Eui-sun has also been shoring up partnerships with executives of other local conglomerates that make batteries.
In the recent months, he has met with the chairmen of SK Group and LG Group.
"With electric vehicles quickly rising as a future growth engine, South Korean companies are expected to combine forces to become 'game changers' in the industry.
Kim Jae-hee, Arirang News."