Paris' annual 'Cinema on Water' program goes socially distant

2020-07-20 4

코로나19 우려로 프랑스에 수상극장 등장... 미국도 곧 도입

While COVID-19 poses concerns on crowds gathering indoors, "boat-in" cinemas in France will allow Parisians to enjoy movies despite the ongoing pandemic.
This year's 'Cinema sur l'Eau' translated as cinema on the water will use 40 socially-distant boats on the River Seine for safe movie watching.
Something similar is expected in the U.S. in the fall as the Australian production company, 'Beyond Cinema', says it will take its 'Floating Boat Cinema' to 16 U.S. cities including Chicago and New York from September through October.
Each cinemas will have 12 to 24 mini-boats that can accommodate around eight people.