The blue fountain on the Republic Square in Subotica, Serbia / Plava fontana na Trgu Republike u Subotici, Srbija

2020-07-19 8

In the heart of the Old Town of Subotica in Serbia, the Blue Fountain is located directly at the impressive Town Hall on the Republic Square. The fountain complex is divided into several basins, from which the water flows via cascades into the middle, where the highest fountain gushes out. The waterworks form together with the town hall a beautiful motif, which also knows the photographer of the wedding party. You will see for a short moment in the background the bridal couple, who pose with their guests in front of the fountain. In the final scene you see the tower of the town hall, which is beautifully illuminated in the evening sun.

U srcu starog grada Subotice u Srbiji, plava fontana nalazi se neposredno na impresivnoj vijećnici na Trgu Republike. Fontana je podijeljen u nekoliko bazena, od kojih voda teče kaskadama u sredinu, gdje se ispušta najviša fontana. Plava fontana zajedno s vijećnicom predstavlja prekrasan motiv, koji također poznaje fotograf svadbene društvo. Vidjet ćete za kratak trenutak u pozadini mladenci, koji poziraju sa svojim gostima ispred fontane. U posljednjoj sceni vidite toranj vijećnice, koja je lijepo osvijetljena na večernjem suncu.

Im Herzen der Altstadt von Subotica in Serbien befindet sich direkt am imposanten Rathaus der blaue Brunnen auf dem Platz der Republik. Die Brunnenanlage ist in mehrere Becken unterteilt, von denen das Wasser über Kaskaden in die Mitte fließt, dort, wo die höchste Fontäne sprudelt. Die Wasserspiele bilden zusammen mit dem Rathaus ein schönes Motiv, welches auch der Fotograf der Hochzeitsgesellschaft kennt. Im Hintergrund sehen Sie kurz das Brautpaar, welches sich mit ihren Gästen so in Pose bringt. In der Abschlussszene wird noch der Turm des Rathauses gezeigt, der in der Abendsonne sehr schön angestrahlt wird.