Colleagues Say Dr. Deborah Birx Is Far More Than 'The Grandmother With The Scarves'

2020-07-18 11

Ever since President Donald Trump 'socially distanced' Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx has stepped up to steer the White House's coronavirus task force.
And according to CNN, many of her colleagues in public health say she's signed her own reputation's death certificate.
In April, Trump talked about using disinfectant and light as a cure for the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Birx did not disagree.
Her reputation is finished. I feel she has signed her fate in blood with these guys. She's a Trumper now. Former State Department colleague of Dr. Deborah Birx
Nevertheless, the same former State Department colleague says Birx's image as a 'grandmother with the scarves' disguises a canny political operator.
She has lasted this long in no small part due to her bureaucratic maneuvering. This isn't just about what she knows about disease, or her experience. This is a shrewd and deft political veteran. Former State Department colleague of Dr. Deborah Birx