The Diversity Questionaire of The Movie Subsidy Office of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein

2020-07-18 2

Hollyweird is a #SJW cult. True. They have hijacked brands and franchises and they squeeze the last bit of fun out of beloved characters and ideas. But the professionals in L.A. do it voluntarily. They exploit and plunder what their elders had left them. As dire as this image is it could be worse.

Cut to #Germany: For decades everybody with a thought of his own has been shouted off the stages. The theatres and microphones are under the firm control of the mediocre. Barely anything of value is produced and the entire industry is uncommercial. They cannot stand international competition, but that does not mean they would not compete at all. They have to be accepted in the circle of the cult, and for that they need to produce content and raise funding. #Arts in Germany today is dependent on government #subsidies.

This year the movie subsidy office of the city state of Hamburg and the state of Schleswig-Holstein have compiled a mandatory application form for the inclusion of the inclusively included inclues, the diverse and multisexual. I run you through the #questionaire so that you, too, can raise government funds to produce #propaganda garbage one day. Maybe you'll be lucky and your work gets aired on the public broadcasters *gush*.