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The Pentagon has give"/>

U.S. gov't weighs troop cuts in S. Korea: Wall Street Journal

2020-07-18 1

WSJ "미 국방부, 주한미군 감축 옵션 백악관에 제시"

The Pentagon has given options to the White House regarding potential cuts to U.S. military in South Korea.
According to the Wall Street Journal on Friday, the Trump administration is weighing a reduction in the number of U.S. troops in South Korea.
There are 28-thousand and 500 troops stationed in the country.
The discussion is due to friction over the hosting costs of U.S. military in the South.
Seoul agreed to pay nine-hundred-26 million U.S. dollars in 2019, but the following year, the U.S. demanded a fivefold increase in payment.
The negotiations are still ongoing.
However, Trump administration officials said that no decision has been made about cutting troops.

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