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Seoul's trade minister stresses she's most suitable for WTO reform

2020-07-17 9

유명희 정견 발표 "WTO, 다자무역체계에서 신뢰 회복해야"

South Korea's trade minister Yoo Myung-hee, who is running for the top post at the World Trade Organization, stresses she is the most suitable candidate who can help the WTO recover its functions and regain trust from the international community.
This is her making chief candidacy speech in Geneva on Thursday, take a listen:
"My vision for the WTO is to rebuild trust in multilateral trading system. I'll make it more relevant, resilient and responsive."
Yoo assessed that the WTO has lost its role as the world's supreme court to mediate disputes.
She added... the expansion of protectionism has fueled trade tensions and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has threatened the WTO's principles.
A total of eight candidates are running for the director general post and have until September 7th for an election campaign.
The new chief will be chosen around November.